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Automated Email Marketing: Redefined and Simplified

Email marketing automation can save you a lot of time, but knowing how to use it can be difficult. So, to save you the time of figuring things out, DreamzLab can get up and running as soon as possible. 

So, let’s deep dive to analyze the basic concepts involved:

What is email marketing automation? How does it work?

This isn’t a foolish question, so don’t be alarmed. Transactional or triggered emails and drip marketing programs, or email nurturing, are the two forms of automated emails. Order and shipping confirmations are examples of transactional emails that don’t require authorization to send.

Nurture emails are marketing campaigns. Therefore you’ll need permission to send them. These marketing emails assist your prospects along the funnel by sending tailored material on a schedule.

To get started with automated emails, you’ll need a marketing automation platform. And, DreamzLab can help you with this entire process for mail marketing.

Getting Started with Email Marketing Automation

Make sure your website has a place for people to submit their email addresses. Once you’ve done that, you’ll need to follow the steps outlined below to set up your automatic email nurturing program:

  1. Gather information about potential leads.

Place lead forms throughout your website, landing pages, and adverts to collect the required information from your prospects if you haven’t already. These landing pages can be customized based on the information you wish to use, such as name, email address, company, budget, industry, and area.

Remember that the more fields you ask leads to fill out, the more personalization options you’ll have with your emails. However, be cautious: leads are less likely to fill out a lengthy form and may quit it if it is too complicated. And, our expert team can help you get the perfect balance of both.

  1. Choosing a Goal

You’ll need to consider what action you want automated emails to encourage, just like any other marketing campaign. Of course, you want the open and click-through rates, but do you also want them to sign up for a product demo? Are you looking for a specific quantity of conversions or purchases? Consider dialing a number, making a donation, joining up for another newsletter, or volunteering.

Once you’ve decided on a target, you may work backward to create the material for your drip campaign.

  1. Create a set of qualifying criteria.

Some businesses alternate between creating content and setting up qualifiers on occasion. This is merely a reminder that you can do both at once! They should complement one another to form the ideal waterfall of fantastic marketing messaging.

Let’s get back to work. To move your leads through the sales/marketing funnel and drip campaign, you’ll need to score them. You can make your own scale, but your marketing automation system may already offer some recommendations. Some easy guidelines: you can prohibit people based on their geography (for example, if they live outside your delivery radius), their budget, their company, and so on. Consider giving your lead a better score if they have the same job title or political party membership that you’re looking for in your email.

In terms of content, parts that are less actionable should be given a lower grade, such as 1 or 2. Content that converts and educates a lead about your product is more valuable, which means your sales team will have to spend comparatively less time on the phone. You might give case studies, product marketing materials, and demos a perfect score of ten out of ten and label them as “completed” in your drip campaign. It all truly depends on what you want to achieve; we can get you all you want!

  1. Fill the Funnel with Content

Begin with the information you already have. What generates the most clicks and opens? What exactly is a large converter? Do your salespeople have any favorite blog entries, case studies, or product one-pagers that truly pique the interest of prospects?

You can start filling in the gaps once you have a cache of existing material. Our designing team at DreamzLab can help you create such enticing content chunks to assure the success of your email marketing campaign.

  1. Testing 

You’ll need to try everything before settling on your sweet spot, just as you would with any new marketing campaign or channel. It’s doubtful that automated email marketing won’t work for your company, but you’ll need to put in some effort to discover the perfect language and score to effectively move leads down the funnel and convert them. 

Design. You should be able to test different email layouts to see if longer forms, plain text vs. HTML, CTAs above the fold, and basic navigation at the top of your emails work.

Send times; experiment with different times of day, days of the week, and so on to find the best time for engagement.

Subject and pre-header content; as with the copy suggestion above, experiment with different subject lines to determine which ones get the most open.

Repurpose content; if a blog article, whitepaper, product line, or promotion received a lot of attention, add it to your automatic email funnel. You can compare fresh versions to what was previously supplied.

Scoring. While you may already be aware that requesting a demo qualifies you, a case study may not. Alternatively, a whitepaper may be more of a branding endeavor than you think. To figure out the best way to score your leads, be flexible and speak with your sales staff.

It is definitely not a cakewalk, but DreamzLab is an expert in offering such a turnkey solution. Just let us know your target, and we will ensure it gets delivered!

  1. Keep an eye on your touchpoints

It’s possible that email isn’t your only method of contact with these prospects. Keep in mind that your automated email campaign isn’t operating in a vacuum. Be cautious not to bombard these leads with your brand if they are retargeted on ad platforms or emailed outside the nurturing campaign. No one enjoys being followed online.

  1. Analyze and Improve

This last point is self-evident. Set fair expectations and success indicators after the campaign goes live. As you go, make adjustments. All marketing automation solutions have analytics dashboards set up to track performance; you should also keep track of the number of emails sent every time. It’s fantastic if leads are qualified before they reach the bottom of the funnel. Reduce the number of emails logged in the queue to ensure that the most relevant content is sent out as quickly as feasible. Increase the number of emails regularly sent to qualify prospects until they’re ready to convert in the same way.

These tricks and traits are admittingly complicated, but they strongly drive the success of your brand’s sales and marketing campaigns, so let the experts handle them for you.

Contact DreamzLab at info@dreamzlab.com to know how we ace this game!